Thursday, May 28, 2009

Zero Tolerance = No Common Sense

I am so irritated right now. I am just fed up with the public school system. EVERYTHING has to be made an issue and there's no more "let's call the parents and let them handle it."

I got a call from the principal today telling me to come get The Nut because she was hugging and kissing a boy on the field during P.E. He also said that she's suspended tomorrow which is the last day of school.

Ok. These kids are six. It's not like they were frenching each other. If anything it was a peck or two MAYBE on the lips but most likely on the cheek. At any rate, they're SIX. Does it really require a suspension? Can they not see the difference between 2 sixteen year olds kissing in an empty classroom and 2 six year olds pecking on the field during P.E.? One scenario is serious and the other is innocent. In fact, not too long ago adults would giggle at 2 six year olds kissing and would maybe even take pictures. GASP. Now it's grounds for disciplinary action.

@@ <----------That's me rolling my eyes.

I wish I could homeschool but I know my limitations. Too bad we don't live next door to a retired teacher who loves kids and wants a little extra income. I just don't see things getting any better over the next 11 years.


  1. That is crazy!!! Did they suspend the boy? My oldest starts Kindergarten next year and I have a feeling things are going to be so much different than when I was in school! Sorry you have to go through that!

  2. You know, TGTBT called the principal this morning and asked if the boy got suspended too and the principal said he couldn't give out that information but that decisions like that are made taking into account past history. Based on that statement TGTBT doesn't think the boy got suspended. The Nut is no stranger to getting in trouble at school so that may have swayed their decision. We just think the whole thing is ridiculous. The principal just kept going on and on like it was this awful sordid thing instead of 2 very young kids doing something innocent albeit innapropriate.
