Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yesterday was AWESOME!

Not really, no. Night before last was pretty hectic with the baby so the kitchen didn't get cleaned and both sinks were stacked sky high with dishes. I also didn't get to take a bath so I was already in a foul mood when I woke up. I played with the baby for a while and then realized that she had peed out of her diaper and her pajamas smelled like old dry pee. Which meant I now smelled like old dry pee. On top of my self-generated filth.

So I stumbled into the kitchen and eyed the filth in there and was trying to figure out which filthiness I wanted to tackle first---kitchen or myself---when TGTBT comes in from the house and says, "FYI, the plumbers are about to turn off the water." Niiiiiiiiiiice. All I have to say is it's a good thing I'm a lackadaisical housekeeper and dirty dishes don't drive me up the wall AND that TGTBT has a sinus infection and can't smell anything right now.

Later that afternoon Frito added to the fun. I was getting ready to lay the baby down for a nap and she was ALMOST asleep in my arms when Frito threw a blanket over her head and started shuffling around moaning like a ghost. She walked over to me and lifted the blanket and said, "Boo!" She no longer says, "Bah." :o( We 'boo'd' back and forth at each other a few times and then she pulled the blanket back down over her head and turned to walk away. She stepped on the blanket and went face first into the coffee table.

She screams and cries which scares the heck out of the baby so SHE'S screaming and crying and I'm trying to calm them both down when blood starts pouring out of Frito's mouth. I tossed the baby (not really----I laid her gently down) onto the couch and call TGTBT's cell phone to tell him to get in here ASAP. Frito wouldn't let me look inside her mouth to see how badly she was hurt and I'm picturing the worst and an emergency trip to the dentist. TGTBT comes in and is pretty much useless because his hands are covered in grime from working in the house and we have no WATER to wash them. All this time both girls are screaming their heads off.

TGTBT finally just uses his dirty thumb to lift Frito's upper lip and he says, "Hey, look at this." I look. And my body temperature raises about 100 degrees and I start to feel woozy. I actually have to lay my head in my hand and I tell TGTBT that I'm about to pass out. Somehow, the inside of her upper lip, the area where the cleft is that's between the nose and upper lip, is STUCK between her two front teeth. TGTBT asks me why I'm about to pass out and I start to cry, "Because my baby's LIP is stuck between her TEETH and she's BLEEDING!" Did I mention that I'm a big ol' whimp when it comes to my kids getting hurt? Yeah, I have.

Now Frito's not crying anymore and she's looking very confused. She looks at me and then at TGTBT and points at me as she babbles as if to say, "What the heck's HER problem?" I try to compose myself to not upset her and after a few minutes the blood stops and she goes back to sucking her thumb and running around playing. I, however, have had multiple panic attacks every time I picture what happened.

I guess it's a good thing we had all girls because from what I hear, little boys pretty much have a new injury every day to deal with. Maybe someone who knows better than I knew I couldn't handle it.

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