Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ah........Pregnancy Insomnia

For the record, the only reason I'm even posting is because it's 4:30 AM and I can't sleep. I went to bed at around 11, woke up at 2 and have been on the internet since then. I'll probably get exhausted and need to crash right before the kids wake up.

We had family/maternity pics done today by my cousin's wife Alicia. Thank goodness she's family too because Frito was a turd. She is most definitely coming into the Terrible Twos and she was NOT having it today. The Nut went the opposite direction and wanted to be in every single picture. She was even acting as set director and throwing out ideas for poses and where people should stand. Alicia took it all in stride though and we got some great shots in spite of Frito's scowls and The Nut's camera hogging.

Now that the pictures are done this little one is free to come anytime. Except for Monday because my mom and sister will be out of town and my sister says she can't come Friday either because she has movie plans. LOL April 7th is sticking out in my mind although I'm not putting much, if any, stock in it because so far I've had 2 births and NONE of my predictions about them came true either time. It's still fun to speculate though.

I've been told that I'm much more mellow this time around and that people aren't scared to call me so that's nice. However, things didn't get really bad until I hit 40 weeks with Frito so things could change. I think her birth though is what's different about my outlook this time. It happened so fast I went from thinking that I had NO signs of labor and it wasn't ever going to happen to holding a baby in less than 3 hours. It's sort of proof that it really CAN happen even if you feel like you'll be pregnant forever and not to stress over it. The past few days I've been having the tiniest signs that things are settling down where they should be and that I will, indeed, be giving birth soon.

We somehow had lost a video camera AND some of our tapes with Frito's birth and other stuff on them. We searched through the trailer, the house, the rent house we'd been in, my FIL's house where we had stayed and we called relatives to ask if we'd somehow left it at their house, etc. Nada. My FIL actually found it today hanging on his coat rack underneath a jacket. Not only does that mean that we had passed it dozens of times but it's kind of scary because this is the same man who cannot keep up with a checkbook. He lost his checkbook 3 times in 6 months. The last time he called me to say he was heading to the bank to close his account before the stolen checks could be cashed. He called back 5 minutes later to say he had found it------in his OTHER pocket. No kidding.

So I stuck Frito's birth video in and TGTBT walked in to see what I was doing and I started crying. He asked what was wrong and I said, "I can't believe I'm about to do this all over again." He sort of got a soft look on his face and rubbed my back and I realized that he was thinking that I was getting sentimental about having a newborn and all that jazz. I set him straight. "That was the single most excrutiating experience of my life and I'm doing it again!" LOL

It is a little scary to think of the pain because watching that video brought it back pretty clearly but the excitement of labor and seeing that baby for the very first time dulls it somewhat. And I've actually gone from swearing I NEVER want a fast labor again because it's so intense and out of control to hoping this one is even shorter. I figure if I have to hurt I may as well hurt for the least amount of time possible even if it would hurt a little less if labor lasted longer.

As you can see, I'm preoccupied with the birth and nothing but the birth so this may be my last post until the baby is here. Unless I keep up with this insomnia.........


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  2. Misty Raymond "Auntie M"March 30, 2009 at 7:46 AM

    Hey Tiff. Good to hear you are still hanging in there ! Cant wait to see # 3 ! Love ya'll !!! Oh, ps.. i know you dont want to hold that "gurry" (what lil bit used to call "girls") but... the 21st is Jeremy and Heidi's 3rd anniversary and this is your 3rd littlin' ! hehehe

  3. Sacrilege! If I'm still pregnant on the 21st I'll do a c-section myself! ;o)
