Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Has it Been This Long??!!

Sorry, guys! I'm at the point in pregnancy I always get to where it pisses me off to do anything but go into labor so I haven't been keeping up.

I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and although I've gone over 40 weeks both previous pregnancies I still dream of it happening "any minute." Realistically I know it could easily be another FIVE WEEKS and that doesn't settle well with me so I sort of fixate on the "any minute" thing.

My midwife doesn't have any births scheduled when I'm due so she's going to park an RV in our driveway and live there until the birth. It feels weird to me for her to do that but my labor with Frito was under 3 hours and she lives 2 hours away. She was in the house 26 seconds before Frito was born and it really stressed her out so she'll feel more comfortable this way. And it'll be nice to not have to second-guess if it's time to call her because I won't be worried about bothering her for nothing.

The Nut had open house at school tonight and we got to see all of her Texas history work. She had a pecan tree with Honey Smacks glued on as the pecans, a mockingbird with her handprints as wings and this lovely little story she wrote (I'm replacing their real names just as I do in the blog but for those who know us, she used an "i" instead of an "o" for Frito's real name):

Cowgirl Frito

My name is Frito.
I am rideing a cow.
My sisters name is The Nut.
I have black heer. (Actually, Frito has blonde hair)
I have a red hat.
The rope is brown.
I am saying yee hall. (That cracks me up)
I am wering boots.
I am having fun.
We are smiling.

Flows very nicely, doesn't it?

The other day we were all coming home from going out to eat and TGTBT and I were TRYING to have a conversation and she was in the back saying, "What?" "Huh?" "He did what?" every few seconds and I finally said, "That's enough! This conversation does not involve you and it's taking 10 times as long as it should because you keep interrupting us!" She was quiet for a minute and then said, "I need to get me some hearing aids."

I was looking at my belly button yesterday wondering if it was actually going to protrude this pregnancy as it never quite made it out the other 2 times. I remembered being pregnant with Frito and The Nut and I were in the bath together and I was telling her that my belly button was probably going to pop out at some point. Her eyes got huge and she said, "That's ok. I'll catch it. And put it in my mouth to keep it safe."

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