Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We had strong winds here last night and on the way to The Nut's school this morning I saw a port 'o potty tumped (yes, that's a word----MY word) over in the road. I'm just glad I'm not responsible for the cleanup on that.

My sister has been calling around to area businesses to see if they'll donate for CHD research and awareness and our local paper wants to do a story on my nephew! That's awesome. I think it's going to run this weekend.

Yesterday The Nut asked me what something was and I told her I didn't know. She said, "How do you NOT know that? You're very smart." I said, "Even the smartest people in the world don't know everything." She said, "You're not THAT smart..........well, you're pretty smart." I could tell she was going to leave it at "You're not THAT smart" but realized it wasn't very nice so she amended it. I like it when I see signs of her thinking things like that through and making the right choice.

Frito was a TERROR yesterday. She only napped for an hour (usual nap is around 3 hours) and I tried the rest of the afternoon to get her to go back to sleep and she wasn't having it. So she was cranky and wired at the same time and TORE the house up. She's really gotten into throwing things and likes to see how far she can chunk them. When I got her out of the bath we were walking to her bedroom for a diaper and clothes and she stopped and squatted and peed on the floor. I actually appreciated the squatting because I didn't have to clean up pee all down her legs.

My midwife and I think I'm becoming anemic. I was borderline when I had my bloodwork done back in November but the signs are there now. So I went to get liquid chlorophyll yesterday from the health food store because it does a really good job of boosting your red blood cells. But it tastes like turds. I used it during both previous pregnancies and the bottle I had back in 2002 for The Nut tasted like grass and dirt. When I used it in 2007 for Frito someone had the idea that adding mint flavor would make it more palatable. They were wrong. So I grudgingly went yesterday and was thrilled to find it in pill form! Yay! Still smells awful but I can do a pill no matter how stinky it is.

This is nasty but I'm posting anyway because we got a huge kick out of it. If TGTBT has a flaw, it's what happens in the bathroom when he's in there. He likes to think it's a sign of an efficient digestive system but I wonder who he offended in a past life to be saddled with that curse. He spent some time in there after supper last night and, unfortunately for The Nut, she chose a sticky piece of Airhead candy for dessert and had to wash her hands off before bed. I hollered at her to hold her breath as she headed off to the bathroom. Next thing we knew we heard gagging over the sound of the water running. We were both laughing as quietly as we could but lost it when we heard a garbled, "Oh God........" followed by another gag. I swear I thought I was going to send myself into labor. She came out a minute later all red-faced and watery-eyed and I said, "I told you to hold your breath!" She said, "I tried but it was SO bad! Don't ever do that again, Daddy."

I felt like a horrible parent for laughing because I've been married to the man for over 12 years and I KNOW how bad it is but some things are just funny no matter how much you care for the person affected. Case in point: at my sister's college graduation my oldest sister was dressed in a solid white pantsuit. She also has a bit of a reputation for not being the most graceful person you've ever seen. Someone had dropped their piece of cake on the floor and she stepped on it and BLAM! Hit the floor so hard it shook. Cake was all down the back of her pantsuit. My mom nearly had a heart attack thinking she had permanently injured herself while I was doubled over laughing with tears in my eyes and trying not to wet my pants.

I'm usually a pretty empathetic person but I can't help but laugh when I see things like that. I guess that's MY one flaw. ;o)

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