Monday, February 16, 2009

Yeah.........I Feel Bad

So, being 33 weeks pregnant is no walk in the park itself but having sinus issues when you're 33 weeks pregnant is like being dragged around the park behind one of those horse-drawn carriages and hitting every steaming pile of horse poo on the way. Here's where I need to give credit where credit is due and say that TGTBT fixed me an amaretto sour and gave me a back rub to help me sleep Saturday night while not saying a word that our tentative plans for lovin' were definitely NOT going to happen.

Speaking of, earlier that day before I felt so bad, he asked if we were going to have a special night that night. I told him that if I got a backrub I might give him "a little sumpin' sumpin'." The Nut pipes up and says, "If I give you a backrub can I have a little sumpin' sumpin'?" TGTBT fell over laughing. I asked her what she wanted and she said a dollar. So she rubbed my shoulders and the rest of the weekend kept asking if she could get a little sumpin' sumpin' for doing chores and stuff. We're choosing to ignore it and hoping that particular phrase leaves her vocabulary shortly.

She also came home Friday with a backpack full of candy and Valentines and kept going on and on about the Fun Dip she got from Justin. The whole afternoon it was Justin this and Fun Dip that. At supper she told TGTBT, "Daddy, don't tell him, because you don't know what he looks like, but I love Justin." So that explains it. She seems to have moved on from the boy she kissed behind the tires on the playground at the beginning of the school year. I met that kid and I can say I'm glad.

I don't know if we've established the differences in my and TGTBT's parenting skills yet. If not, let's just say that he's a much better mother than I am and would probably breastfeed if he had the proper equipment. Our roles are sort of reversed. I'm the one who throws the pillows on the floor and lets them jump on the couch while he pitches a fit about potential broken bones and how they'll surely go to someone else's house and think it's ok to jump on their furniture. For the record, no broken bones yet and while I have seen them jump on someone else's furniture it's because they were following the lead of that person's kid(s).

So, Frito has been climbing onto the chair and then onto the kitchen table. I get her off the table but don't mind her in the chair. Sometime she just stands on the chair to reach a pencil or something off the table and gets back down. Saturday she was in the chair reaching for something and TGTBT yelled, "Frito! Get down!" She turned to look at him and came tumbling down and hit the floor HARD. He runs and gets her and is rocking and kissing her and I'm berating him the whole time. "That was YOUR fault, you know. You distracted her. She would have been fine if you wouldn't have made her turn and look at you. She gets up there all the time and hasn't fallen yet but you get involved and look what happens." And so on and so forth. It was all in good fun and I still got my backrub that night so it's all good.

The local newspaper ran the story of my nephew and my sister's fundraising today. The article turned out much better than we anticipated as the reporter was very rushed and didn't really do an actual interview. So hopefully it will raise awareness of CHDs and possibly some money so the goal for his team is met.

The contractor is coming tomorrow to start the work (YAY) and I think he'll be moving the staircase first which is so terribly exciting to me. I need to get in there this evening and take pictures to document all the changes. Hopefully they get their work done before this weekend so that we can make the Heart Walk on Saturday. Surely I'll feel better by then and the fresh air will do me good.

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