Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Can't Stop Sweating!

I'm sure it's some combination of hormonal changes and having a warm cuddly newborn on me at all times but I feel like I'm ALWAYS sweating. It's disgusting. What's even worse is that I rarely have time for a bath anyway so I stay filthy all day and get a 5-10 minute bath before bed while TGTBT keeps the baby occupied. I couldn't wait to have the baby so that I could shave my legs and do, ahem, other maintenence, but since I barely have time to do the absolute bare minimum that's pretty much off the table. And people wonder why new moms sometimes go through a depression and "let" themselves go to pot. I love the men who complain about how their wives never put on makeup anymore and wear sweatsuits all the time after the baby. We don't have a choice!

I do sometimes feel resentful that 99 times out of 100 the man's life hardly changes at all after a new baby. They still go to work, run their errands when they want to and TELL their wife when they have something planned as opposed to the mom who literally loses herself in the new baby. There's not a thing about my life that's the same as it was 4 weeks ago. My time is not my time, my body is not my body and, quite literally, my life is not my life anymore. This isn't my first go-round so you'd think I'd be used to this phase and it would be old hat but it doesn't get any easier. In fact, with the older kids to deal with also it gets harder each time.

Now, the above paragraph isn't necessarily about TGTBT as he does everything possible to help and encourages me to take time for myself. I do get a little bent out of shape that he doesn't seem to realize that I CAN'T. He suggested I go to Walmart by myself last night just to get out of the house and Frito needed diapers. The baby hadn't napped all day and had just fallen asleep on me and she needed to sleep. I couldn't just up and disturb her and drag her out when she was so tired. He said he'd keep her and I should go by myself. That won't work either because I'd imagine her crying as soon as I pulled out of the driveway and I'd get anxious and all worked up trying to hurry and get back to take care of her. In my defense she honestly doesn't stay asleep unless she's on me so the above scenario is a given. So he tries to help, but......

I did get out this morning with Frito and the baby to go to Walmart and it wasn't that bad. The worst part, of course, was the sweating because I had the baby in the Mai Tei all bundled up against me and I was just dripping sweat. But other than that it wasn't too bad at all for my first trip out with more than one kid by myself. My mom is coming tomorrow to go grocery shopping with me because that's something there's no way I could do by myself with the baby and Frito.

Anyway! I need to get to wash clothes. I forgot how much more laundry a tiny baby means!

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