Thursday, April 23, 2009

I survived!

Yesterday couldn't have gone any more smoothly. The girls slept until 11 and Frito was very well behaved and the baby did a lot of napping and let me put her down a lot more than usual. Of course, my mother was also here from 1:30 until about 7:30 so the kids made me look like a liar by being so good. My mother cooked us a big supper and helped wrangle Frito throughout the day and held the baby some and I got a lot of laundry done. By done, I mean REALLY done. Folded and put up and everything. We've been living out of baskets for so long that it feels good to have that accomplished.

The Nut's teacher called TGTBT at work yesterday to let us know that The Nut has been really acting up these past 2 weeks. Gee, I wonder what could be going on in her life that's making her act up.......for 2 weeks now.........

So when she got home I asked her why she thought she was getting into trouble in school and she said, "Because I'm bad."

"Ok, but WHY are you being bad?"

"My mind is just out of control!"

Like my mom said, you KNOW she's heard that from a teacher before.

Today has gone pretty smoothly also and I decided to try to go it alone. So far the only conflict has been when I was trying to nurse the baby back to sleep and Frito was crying in her crib for me. It's so hard not being able to jump up and take care of her like I used to/want to. She doesn't seem to be any the worse for wear though and loves on the baby every chance she gets. Of course, she also tries to take her from me to put her in the swing so we have to watch that but it could be worse!

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