Friday, January 16, 2009

Blair Frito

Remember the end of The Blair Witch Project when the camera pans to the guy standing in the corner? That was the scariest part of the entire movie, IMO. Lately Frito has been trying to scare me. Every time I go to the bathroom (which, at almost 30 weeks pregnant is pretty dang often) she follows me and I see her pass in front of the doorway eyeing me suspiciously. When I'm done I walk out to find her standing about a foot from the edge of the doorway, about 6 inches from the wall and she's stock still just staring at the wall with her head tilted down. She's trying to scare me by hiding and saying 'boo'----or actually, 'bah'----but she doesn't have her timing down yet so I always get the jump on her. What she doesn't know is that me seeing her standing there like that is WAY scarier than having her jump out at me and say, 'bah.'

Didn't get a thing packed yesterday, surprise surprise. And TGTBT called me today to let me know he was coming home for lunch so I had to hurry and act like I was cleaning something. :o) But I'm determined to make some headway this afternoon. I'll be taking pictures of the inside of our house (which is all concrete and wall studs at this point) and I'll be documenting the progress as we go along. Quick story about The Nut before I go.

Hurricane Edouard was heading our way and I was telling Emily about it and she said, "You know what the most powerful thing on earth is? A volcano."

I said, "Well, actually hurricanes are the most powerful force on earth but the one coming now isn't going to be bad."

She looked at me and her eyes got huge and she said, "You know what another word for 'deadly' is? Doooooormant!"

She's got it down now though.

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