Saturday, January 17, 2009

We are Officially Homeless

At least, real-house homeless. This will be our first night in our FEMA trailer. And guess what? The air conditioner is broken. And I'm hot. We have the fan going and the windows open so it's not too bad. But I think TGTBT jumped the gun a bit because this city's water is AWFUL, like you can see sediment in it awful, and we have no water filter nor did we think to bring bottled water. And I'm thirsty. So he's off to the Walmartz to get a Pur water filter and some ice trays because we also have no ice. And he's usually such a good planner.....

The Nut is spending her second night at her grandpa's and Frito is in bed in her new teeny tiny bedroom so it's quiet. No new stories about The Nut but Frito gave me a good one today. TGTBT and my brother-in-law and HIS brother moved all the big furniture today so I went through and emptied the dressers and stuff and tried to keep Frito out of their way. She REALLY wanted to be all up in their business so I stuck her in The Nut's room with Spongebob on the tv (no Mom of the Year award for me........and I was SO close........) and I realized after a few minutes that she was really quiet.

I went in there half expecting to see her asleep on the bed. Instead, the tv was turned off, all the clothes I had emptied from the dresser were back IN the dresser and Frito was nowhere to be found. Actually, she was in the closet with the door 3/4 shut and she was pooping. I've heard LOTS of stories about kids going into closets and pooping but they're usually out of diapers so there's one thing to be thankful for. Could have been a LOT worse. And bless her heart, she's the antithesis of her mom. She loves picking up and organizing things and I think it's adorable even when it means twice the work for me. I just re-emptied the dresser and made sure the moving men took that one next.

As far as the house goes, I got to see our almost finished laundry room today. The walls are textured and painted and all we need is flooring and the trimming stuff and we'll have one room finished! We're making quite a few changes in the general layout of the house so it's very exciting. Timing could be better because there's no way we'll be in before the baby comes and I have no idea how the logistics will work with a kid, a toddler and a newborn all in one 3 bedroom trailer but we'll make the best of it! It could be SO much worse and fully realize how lucky we are that we've had a nice place to stay all these months and never had to live out of a tent like so many have.

Gotta' give a shout out to my mom too for coming 2 days in a row to help pack up and move things and keep Frito entertained. Thanks, Mom!

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