Sunday, January 25, 2009

Had a Family Day Today

We were supposed to get out yesterday and do something fun. However, TGTBT and I both woke up before 6 and couldn't go back to sleep. He did a lot of work outside the house and I did a lot of work inside the house and by the time we were ready to go anywhere I was SO exhausted and in pain that I backed out. So to appease The Nut who had convinced herself that she was going to Chuck E. Cheese, TGTBT rented a movie for her and we all watched it together.

He rented The City of Ember which is about some sort of apocolypse that happens in the future and a group of scientists and architects and other learned folks built a city underground and sent a group of people to live so that mankind would survive. For their safety they made it impossible to leave except by following instructions left in a box that was set to open in 200 years. The box gets misplaced, over 200 years go by and things are getting desperate down below as the food supply and generator were only meant to last 200 years. Still with me?

Anyway, the point behind all that explanation is that creatures can make their way down to the city and I'm assuming the apocolypse was nuclear in nature because the animals are all huge (moth the size of a dog, etc.) and thus a threat. At one point there was a giant man-eating mole. This was a PG kids movie, I swear, and it sounds worse than it really was. It wasn't scary at all. Or so we thought. The Nut starts griping at TGTBT about the movie because she thinks she's going to have bad dreams now. She didn't, by the way. She said she was going to have nightmares about the monsters. TGTBT said, "There aren't any monsters." She said, "What about that giant thing that ate that man?" He said, "That wasn't a monster, that was a mole." She got huffy and crossed her arms and glared and said, "Monster....mole....what's the difference?" We cracked up.

So today we took the girls bowling. Well, Frito didn't actually bowl but she had a blast pointing out all the balls to me. And even with TGTBT and I both using the bumpers we had for The Nut, SHE was the only one who had multiple strikes and some of those were without the ball EVER touching the bumpers. She shamed us. We then had to deal with a meltdown because she didn't win anything in the crane game and lost her last quarter trying to get a toy out of a machine that TGTBT told her not to use because it was broken. She thinks she should get a souvenir everywhere she goes.

On the way home she was told we didn't want to hear a word out of her mouth until we pulled into the driveway. Sounds harsh if you don't know her and perfectly reasonable if you do. See, The Nut has no filter. Literally, every thought that passes through her head also passes through her lips. Which is fantastic if you're only around her for a few minutes at a time and/or if you're writing a blog. :o) Not so great the rest of the time. We had reached our limits when we were about 20 minutes from home and so we laid down the law.

So, it was very quiet in the car. Out of the blue, from the direction of Frito's carseat we hear, "Cookieeeeeee." The problem was that it was said in the most evil, sinister, chill-inducing way it could possibly be said. TGTBT and I looked at each other and questioned whether we heard what we thought we heard and then I broke into the Friday the 13th, "Ch ch ch ah ah ah ah." Then FRITO started doing that too! That was actually funny but the "cookieeeeee" thing was not.

1 comment:

  1. Totally get you on the "not another word" order. I use it frequently with the Nut myself, but it never seems to work!

    So, I'm thinking Frito might very well be into horror movies at some point, between her "hiding" in the hallway and her Linda Blair impersonation.

    Glad you got some family time in before the new baby. Nickname yet?

